Thursday, May 15, 2008

Great Class!!

MCS 370: Facebook Culture, was an amazing class. I really enjoyed everything that I learned in it. I think this class explored alot of regions of the internet that people rarely talked about. The internet is a deep place, and very dangerous place if you dont know what your doing, but this class we talked about everything all the dangers and what not. I think it will be very useful as we continue along our ways. I think it was a great class.

Tweet Tweet

I think the story of the man than communicated, with his friends while he was detained is amazing. I think technology now is bulit around communication. I think text messaging is an excellent example of this. It allows people to communicate all the time without saying one word. We are able to express our feelings and even emotions with little phrases like "lol" and "brb". Everybody knows what they mean but not everywhere uses the same lingo. I think text messaging is alot like what the guy did while he was detained.

Play Photo Finish

So Rob and Jonathan had been next door nighbors and rivals for years. One day Rob decided to go buy a Motorcyle. Of course trying to one up him. Jonathan went to go buy one too. But way before Jonathan had got his bike Rob had been riding up and down the street laughing Jonathan. Rob said to Jonathan, Youll never be able to ride a bike like me and began to do tricks. Challenged Jonathan went and bought a bike. JOnathan told Rob when he got his bike all he needed was two weeks to race him. Two was up it was time for the show down. So it was time for Rob and Jonathan to get down to business. Racing on an oval shaped track they came along a curve and Rob was low to the ground he scraped his blue bike but was able to keep riding. But trying to keep up to Rob, Jonathan was also low on his red Bike. But he fell off and slip across the track. After this race Johnathan never challenged Rob again, and Jonathan and Rob became friends out of mutal respect.

Check Your Time

1. God
2. School
3. Family
4. Track
5. Friends
6. Television
7. Internet
8. Sleep
9. Work
10. Eating
11. Hanging Out

WOW!! I think my life is pretty organized, maybe the time I spend in each is a little off but I do know what I am supposed to do. My the only things I think I do on a daily basis is 2, 4, 5,6,7,8, 10,11. I know that’s bad and probably why my grades are the way they are. But I understand what I need to work on, and dedicate more time to. Putting these out in a list has really shown me that I have time management issues. I guess I thought my life was organized..back to the drawing board.

Say Thanks!

To Say Thanks, I wrote a letter to my mother, so I copied it into my blog. I did not get a chance to read it to her, so I put into her card for mothers day. She called me and told me she enjoyed it, so I just dedcied to paste it in my blog..enjoy

Dear Mom,
Thanks for everything that you have done for me. Being there through think and thin. From when I was in kindergarden to when I graduated High School. There for my first touchdown, to my first Gold Medal. I apprieciate all that you have done for me. Without you, I would have nothing All I have, All I am its because of you. You guided me in the right direction and because of you I am a sophmore are a honors University. Never did I think I would end up in College, let alone an honors University. Thanks Mom

I Love You,


Get Your Game On!

So I got my game on! It was so relaxing. I actually hooked up my playstation for the first time since my coach took it from me last year lol. Last year as a freshman my teammates and I were so addicted to playstation that it was affecting our grades. So once he took it away our grades got much better. But I forgot to get from him, but I recently just got it back and decided to hook it and up and see if I still had it. So I hooked it up and played for about 3 hours striaght. I think I still had it. But I was shocked to see how out of date a Playstation is. The playstation 3 makes it seem so old. The graphics were terrible. When ever I walk through wal-mart I try to take a peek in the game section. The games are really nice now adays. I think that is why kids dont go out and play as much as our generation did. But Im still more of an outside guy, ill take that over video games anyday.


I went to the Newseum in the 7th grade. It has changed alot since I last went. They give the visitors the oppurtunity to be the newscasters. I think ill go visit there this summer. There are exhibts there featuring the New York times, there is even a interacive NBC newsroom. I cant wait to go, im actually looking forward to going.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Picture Yourself at Ninety

Jason as a 90 year old. I don’t think much about me would b that different. My friends today call me an old man. But at 90 I think I have accomplished a lot. I know im a grandfather, maybe even a great grandfather. I had a successful coaching career somewhere. Im happy. Theres nothing more than can be said. My regreats are, not having more children, not coaching longer. But im happy with everything that I accomplished and not really looking back regretting much.

Keep iSpy

I think you should keep ispy, it was a good book. It created a controversy in the class that made it interesting. Not that the class was boring but, it was just fun to talk about. I think that the Argument should go, it was just a lot of reading but said similar things to all of the other books. Getting rid of The Argument would allow to the class to add another book or internet reading.

Google Search

Im a big fan of google, sometimes ill be so bored ill just google search random things. So when we had to google search ourselves, I had done it a million times now it was actually my assignment, I couldn’t wait. When I googled searched my name I was disappointed when the person that came up was not me. The first Jason Powell I found was a information technology director at a church. The second one I found was an Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Physics at Ferrum. In order to find myself I had to type UMBC after my name. After I wrote UMBC I found myself and all of my track statistics. So I think my name actually does Google well. I did not see any negative people in the search.