Monday, March 24, 2008

A Vision of Students Today

After watching the Youtube video on the vision of students today I was just amazed. I don’t think there is any other way to put it. Every sign that was held up in the class room I could just see something that I would do. The major sign that stood out to me was the one about reading 8 books in one year, and then followed it up by saying over 1200 facebook profiles. That was just an amazing accurate statement. Another sign that got me was when the girl showed the sign about her neighbor paying thousands of dollars and never coming to class. The girls that talked about how they facebook through class and bring there computers but never do anything school related, also opened my eyes a bit.
The video made it clear that way which we are being taught is boring. This way may have worked for previous generations but the fact is now we are more advanced. I feel like most people learn better through actually doing. Sure there is the occasional person that can read something and understand. But I think most college or even high school and middle students just read because it is assigned and don’t take much from it except what is actually being written. There is more to learning than that, I feel you have to do or experience to actually learn.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wiki-Rock Star

I wouldnt competely say that I am hungry for knowledge or hungry for knowledge, but I would agree that America is not experiening a dumbing down. I feel like alot of college students love wikipedia. Me personally I love it. I will get on Wikipedia for no reason alot of the time. Most times when im just online doing nothing, Ill go read random facts on wikipedia. Alot of my friends laugh at me and things but it just something I like to do so it doesnt really matter what they think.

I feel that the founder of wikipedia is correct. The only time I feel like Im not excitied about learning new things is when the topic bores me. I feel like if kids where just thought about things that intrest them we really would know alot more.

The Community I Belong to..

One community that I belong to is the UMBC Athletics community. Being a member of the track team , I have to uphold the standards of the University as well as the standards of my team. Those standards, are being respectful, using good sportsmanship and just giving it my all everytime i compete. As a member of this community i think i can say that all of the student athletes honor these rules when we are getting ready to participate in our sport. We all put redicoulous hours into practice and into the weight room. Im sure everytime we dont do as well as we want, all of the standards go out the window. But the way we are coached is never to show that in public.

This is my community because while im at school, this is what I spend most of my time doing. I have to follow the rules and standards if I want to stay here and continue to run. Being in this community will help me for the rest of my college career, as well as when I become more of an adult and it comes time for me have a job, it will just give me the discipline. Track and school are pretty much like my jobs right now. If my coaches and the athletic department did not sanction us for rule infractions than we would do whatever we wanted. As athletes us doing what we want is counter productive. I personally dont think it would be good if we did what we wanted because most of us proably would not practice. This community keeps me in line and im proud to be apart of it.