Sunday, April 27, 2008

Put It on a Table

A Whole New Mind—Put It on a Table

For this experiment, I was told to select an item that I liked and place it on a table and do several things to it. For my object, I chose the third place medal I received from my first collegiate conference championship track meet. It makes me think of all of the hard work I put into to get it. I know that running track is a big part of my life while I am college and I was happy to see that I could continue my success from high school. I had never thought about the person that made it, they did a get job with the craftsmanship and with the medal. I realized that the person making the medal put a lot of work into and proably got the same satisfaction out of making it that I got from receiving.

This medal has doesn’t have a major effect on my five senses. It feels like a normal medal. It smells like medal. IT doesn’t really have a sound unless I drop it. It is bronze with red and blue writing on it, with a white ribbon. I have never tasted it so I wouldn’t know what it taste like.

I don’t think the way the medal apperared to my senses changed how I felt about it. I still feel good knowing that I worked hard for something. Although gold would have been better, , I cant be selfish I have to accept what I earned. To get the gold I have to jeep working.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

death by facebook

The young girl being killed for using facebook is very sad. I think its crazy that they have to live like that. But at the same time, I cant judge the way that anyone lives because rules are rules. Maybe the dad did go a little far or he definiatly went too far but the girl new she was not supposed to be on facebook, but she did it anyway. Discipling her is one thing but killing her is out of control. I think that in both cases each was wrong. The daughter was wrong for disobeying, and the father was wrong for killing her. Violence never solves anything, and in this case just destroyed a family.

The Argument--Political Blog

I visited the site, Little green footballs. I found a lot of articles what appeared to focus more on what is going on in middle eastern politics. There were a few posts concerning American politians like Ron Paul and Barack Obama. There was eve na Post that read Islam will conquer Europe and the two Americans. Along with it was a video. I would attach the video, but im not a big fan of things like that. I couldn’t really single out what kind of people actually comment on these blogs, there were post like RIP if someone had died, there was comments arguing. So im guessing, anybody that had anything to say about it would say what they felt. There were a few posts about Jimmy Carter as well so this blog was defiantly focused on politics and how people feel about whats going on.

The Argument--Political Identity

I believe that everything I learned about politics I got from my parents. Growing up in my house it was not a big political thing. But they always voted democrat. I feel like they passed that down to me. Or even I just adapted to it. Long before I knew the difference between Democrat and Republican, I felt that Democrat was always right. Even growing up with Bill Clinton as president I knew little about anything going on in the world, so once George Bush got into the white house we suddenly had a lot going on, like September 11th. So my impression quickly became that Democrats are better. But now knowing what I know, I still like democrats better because I feel they offer more for people like me as a African American male. Whether is Obama or Hiliary, it’s a change and that’s what I think America needs right now.