Monday, March 24, 2008

A Vision of Students Today

After watching the Youtube video on the vision of students today I was just amazed. I don’t think there is any other way to put it. Every sign that was held up in the class room I could just see something that I would do. The major sign that stood out to me was the one about reading 8 books in one year, and then followed it up by saying over 1200 facebook profiles. That was just an amazing accurate statement. Another sign that got me was when the girl showed the sign about her neighbor paying thousands of dollars and never coming to class. The girls that talked about how they facebook through class and bring there computers but never do anything school related, also opened my eyes a bit.
The video made it clear that way which we are being taught is boring. This way may have worked for previous generations but the fact is now we are more advanced. I feel like most people learn better through actually doing. Sure there is the occasional person that can read something and understand. But I think most college or even high school and middle students just read because it is assigned and don’t take much from it except what is actually being written. There is more to learning than that, I feel you have to do or experience to actually learn.

1 comment:

Sammy said...

Jason, I had a very similar reaction to the video as you did. I too read a lot of books, but spend even more time on the internet. And I too, often have an absent seat next to me in class. I took a music class last fall, and it was amazing how the class size doubled the day we had a test scheduled in class. Many students only came to class 3 times the entire semester. I know that I don't get from some readings anything mroe than what I know the teacher wants me to take note of. It's kind of sad actually.